Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fukuoka Cat Cafe

Sorry, I totally forgot to put this in before I moved on to my February vacation. Going to the cat cafe was easily the best thing Ed and I did in Fukuoka. We found a few websites for cat cafes, and two of the places were in the same neighborhood, so we headed over there one day. One of the places was evidently pretty obscure, and we couldn't find it, but we did find the other one, called Neko Cafe Keurig. It was pretty cool. There were something like thirty cats in there, too, which is crazy.

After going in and putting on slippers, spraying our feet with disinfectant, and putting our stuff in lockers, we could choose our "menu" and pay. I think at most cat cafes, you can pay per hour or half hour to just play with the cats, but you can also get a "set." At this place,  you could get a drink set, where you get a drink and an hour of play for I think it was ¥980 per person, or for a few hundred yen more, you could get a lunch set and have a meal. We chose the drink set.

Thankfully, water was free, because this was happening when we first sat down. When we got some new waters, it happened again later. My cats used to do that to my bedside water glass.

Here's a cat who looks like my cat Barrel, and who was pushy and bossy like Barrel, too.

Here's a nice looking cat.

This cat looks like a big ol' fatass, but actually was a very small cat. I don't know if it was just a naturally small one like my mom's cat Bob, or if it was a kitten. Maybe a kitten.

The cats have ridiculous amounts of things to climb and sit on.

And lots of toys.

Ol' Blackie.

There were even shelves running all along the ceiling.

And lots of beds that had from one to many cats in them.

Ol' Fuzzy Face.

There were a few piles of cats that didn't move the whole time we were there.

Barrel Lookalike was also a seat thief.

Well, they all were. I guess they're their seats, anyway.

This was funny. This cat was standing there, guarding the sink for so long. Then he left and another huge cat sat in that spot, guarding. It reminded me of Sam and George, the sheepdogs from the Warner Bros. cartoons.

I like the sneaky one.

Here is a series of focus-defying cats at play.

This cat looks kind of lonely, despite having a friend.

Ol' Cyclops. A lot of these cats are rescued.

Here you can see the cover they give you to put on your coffee cup. Water is expendable to thirsty cats, but when you pay ten bucks for a cup of coffee, you want to it to be free of cat tongues.

 Blogger got kind of dumb in that it won't let me watch videos in editing mode anymore, and I don't want to go through and find all the files in my computer, so hopefully these are all amazing and totally worth watching.

After this experience, Ed got kind of obsessed with the idea of cat cafes, like how they get started, where all the cats come from, what happens if they escape, if they ever give any away, what the cat politics are with all those territorial cats living in one small place, how they handle discipline, etc. Then he wanted to make a documentary about it. Which is a good idea. I think he had even more fun than I did.

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