Friday, September 7, 2012

Gion-No-Su Park and Ishibashi Memorial Park

On the way to Iso Beach are a couple parks that are pretty cute. The first one is called Gion-No-Su (Satsuei War) Park.

I like this tree.

A little river divides the two parks, and it has a crook in it, so there are a lot of cool bridges.

Kids wade in this pond. It's only like two inches deep.

This is a memorial to the fallen soldiers of the Seinan Army, according to my city map.

This is a statue of Iwanaga Sangoro, also according to my map.  Apparently he was some sort of draftsman.

Over another bridge, though not the one pictured below, it Ishibashi Memorial Park.

My map is telling me that this is the Yasaka Shrine. I don't know, though, man. It just looks like a door to me.

There's a driving range behind there. People also go wading here under this bridge, because the water is very low.

I haven't gone into this building yet, but I feel like it's for the golfers...

I did go on its balcony though, to take a picture of the bridge.

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