Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sports Day

Sports Day was April 28, a Saturday, and we all had to go. Normally that wouldn't be so bad, working on a Saturday, but it was the last day before Golden Week, a week of Japanese holidays, which we had off. So it was kind of a drag.

The students had been practicing all year (=three weeks) for this thing, but the teachers' teams were just impromptu per game, so pretty much every time the teachers got crushed. I think in basketball we may have won, because although I was still eating lunch during the teachers vs. students games, what I saw of the students when I got back was pretty shameful.

Anyway, the games were volleyball, 20-person jump rope, a cheering competition, basketball, a relay race, and a variation on the relay race where each team member had to run across the gym with a helmet on, put her forehead on the end of a baseball bat, and spin around ten times before running back to the other side and passing off the helmet. That one was a riot. The teachers were only involved in volleyball, basketball, and the regular relay race. I would have been happy to see some teachers spinning around and trying to run in a straight line, though.

I was perfectly willing to jump rope, but there was no teachers' team, and I wouldn't have massively minded playing basketball or running if I were absolutely needed. The only sport I really didn't want to play was volleyball, but I got roped into playing like five games or something. It was like the scariest and most awful experience ever.

I'm having some wicked troubles currently with uploading photos, because apparently I've hit my free limit on Blogger, and I can't get my Photobucket account to properly post pictures on this thing, so I've put a link down below to some pictures and videos from Sports Day. I'll try and figure out how to put pictures up here without paying, but it might take a bit of time since I'm now really busy at work.

Sports Day Pics

Sports Day Videos

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