Monday, April 30, 2012

Some Stuff to Look At

Okay, so now I'm back to Blogger, from WordPress. Don't go back there. It's like a wasteland over there.

I'm a little less organized about this thing this time around, and have sometimes depended on other people's cameras during outings and such. Consequently, I'm not entirely ready with travel posts with pictures blah blah. But I have a few shots from miscellaneous recent experiences.

Okay, here's me in my totally cool sunglasses and "leather" jacket, both of which I snagged from the lost and found box at my Brighton job (after months of abandonment, I swear), and both of which make me very popular with the students here.

Here is a particularly ugly part of Kagoshima. It seems to be a power hub of some sort. I can assure you that the rest of the town does not look like this.

The day we went out to look at cherry blossoms, there was some sort of Korean festival happening outside Amu Plaza, with these traditional dancers.

Inside Amu Plaza's food court, you can get these ring cakes. I don't know what other people call them.

In case you were wondering how they're made, this is the end of the process. The cylinder of cake is rotated on a metal bar as the woman uses a long knife to cut at regular intervals. She then presumably slides the rings off.

On Easter, I went in to my office to use the Internets, because I hadn't gotten it installed in my room yet. As I was leaving, the nun in the main office stopped me and gave me an Easter egg that she'd made and painted all pretty. I know it looks like it says PLRP or something, but she told me that's "Hallelujah" in Japanese. This was verified by the students who say my egg.

Then when I got back to the dorm, there was another egg, made by the nun who runs the dorm, taped to my door. Aren't they sweet around here. Actually, the eggs were so pretty I felt a little bad eating them. But I didn't want them to go to waste.

Finally, here are a couple Engrish signs. I'm sure there will be plenty more where that comes from.

 My favorite is the above squid (above).

Don't forget your crutches.

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