Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today one of the teachers gave a demonstration class, which is done every semester as part of teacher training. The teacher chooses one of her classes to demo, and the other teachers can observe, so they can learn about what's going on in other people's classes, provide feedback to the teacher on the lesson, and possibly learn a teaching trick or two.

Today's class was Discussion Skills, one part of which the students took a fun health quiz as a conversation starter. After everyone added up their scores, the teacher asked a few people to read the results key out loud, for example, "0-20 points: You are in the danger zone. You should exercise more," and "31-40 points: Not bad, but could be better."

Then she asked our weakest second-year student to read the last part out loud.

Teacher: Okay, so what's 51 or more?

Student thinks about it for a moment.

Student: Sixty!